This is great and so timely. I am also a picky clicker! I don't have time to read stories that are full of ads, poorly, written, or kind of pointless in what they are sharing. I love a hard copy magazine or newspaper to read at breakfast. It's a relaxed experience and a relief from eyestrain. Good to hear that this option is returning.

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$25 per issue? Is it the norm?

If that's the way, I can't see this as a trend in less affluent countries. And probably it can only remain a niche phenomenon in richer countries too

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I don't envision expensive print mags to take over the world. I just see them as a sign of what many readers are looking for in this largely post-print era dominated by lower quality, ad-infested digital pubs. Readers want a better experience, higher-quality stories. Of course, price will always matter.

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Wise words, Rob. The reason I love Medium is that's it's ad free and full of great stories. I hope my writing educates and entertains because that's what I look for from other writers. As you suggest, I try to write stuff I'd want to read.

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